Tomorrow I embark on an adventure, a Hair Odyssey of sorts.
About 2.5 years ago, I started hemodialysis for 3 months and lost the majorit of my hair in that time. No bald spots, just handfuls and handfuls evenly in the shower or during brushing.
Many of you may remember how utterly devastated I was.
"I may be sick, but I will always have my hair!" had been my mantra from the beginning of Stage 4 Kidney failure. Within 90 days, my long, thick beautiful hair was thin, wiry and turning grey.
For all this time I have been praying it would grow back, refused to cut it at all, or to go short, determined no matter how much my family thought of my craziness. I believed it was coming back.
(Can I get an Amen?)
By now, my hair reached about the middle of my back and has not been colored in a year. (Yikes!) The salt and pepper has tried to take over, but some of the auburn has clung around.
I have tried everything on the market to bring it to health.
Even talk to it, like a plant.
Last night while John was on his way back from the other side of the mtns, I had about 7hours to myself Never a good thing. That tens to be when Mr. Impulsive comes to play? Anyone else know that feeling?
Well, I watched some youtube videos on Self Haircusts on Long Hair (I mean, who doesn't turn to youtube in moments like this, anyway), put my hair in two ponytails, and cut off about 3" on each side. Granted, it was supposed to be about 2", but one side was alittle shorter, then vice versa and ... well, you get the picture. We ended up at about 3-4" when all was said and done.
But, it was all the dead, frizzy stuff. And, it looks thicker, healthier.
Tomorrow I am starting on a regime of Wen Hair Care products. I have researched hair products. To. death. And so tomorrow we begin.
It feels like about 80% or so of my original thickness now. Not 100%, but considering I was at about 20%? I will gladly take 80%.
Now. I want healthy.
And I. have. haircolor. I am chomping at the bit to use it, let me tell you!
As my sweet friend Sophie would say, "My hair needs some spiritual healing! A ComeToJesusMoment!" And ladies, we all know that invoves L'oreal. The good stuff, right?
So, Wen for a week. Lots of conditioning.
And then.
♫' I'm gonna wash that (grey) right outta my hair" ♫
More to follow.
Hallelujah! Amen.
The Fun Part!
So, help a Sister out, Ladies! What is your hair nightmare story? Any bad moments with cut (like bangs?), or color (think SunIn)...
Do share. ☺
The best story wins some super swesome, not found in stors Wen ReMoist HepCatDaddy-O conditioner.
Extra entries for Tweeting, FB'ing, Yodeling- just let me know in a separate comment each way you shared this post!
No duplicate entries, please\
(This is an unpaid, unsolicited mention of the Wen Hair Care and L'oreal haircare products. Just me yammerin' on. As usual).
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