May I first apologize, we did not get one single, solitary picture of the outside ...
The adorable yellow and white farmhouse ...
The trailing clematis on the entry archway ....
The gardens out of Beatrix Potter ...
The beautiful covered patio overlooking the lawns and more gardens ...
Not one.
(And for the record, I was not in charge of the camera...)
The pellet stove in the office / downstairs sitting room
A wall, with windows ... (Yes, I'm brilliant)
(AH, I've been told this is the master bedroom!)
The view from the back of the dining room, and the stairs
The kitchen, from the dining area
Look, just LOOK at that backsplash! Cute!!
Built in desk in Jonathan's room, soon to be painted
Kid's bathroom
Corner of the master bedroom (the one with a wall! with windows!)
Officey thingy with a built-in desky thingy and a file cabinet thingy!
The big, huge soaking tubby thingy!
So, that is our new house as of August 1st ... and I will get pictures of the lovely things outside!
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