When I turned 18 (very important detail, folks) , I was told we were going out to dinner and a movie. We stopped at the local McD's- my parents and I and my best friend for "something to drink on the way". Yeah- right.
Turns out the whole lot of my friends were there and we were having a McParty. Not only did we all have to sit in the floor to play games, but we ate Happy Meals and had the perfunctory McCake- all shaped up and decorated like a Big Mac.
Then, there was my 20th birthday. I was at Bible College. I came home from a friendly dinner out with my parents and a frined named Bill- see Bill is exactly 50 years older than I. We celebrated out birthdays together for years. And yes, Bill is still around - and will be getting a phone call here in a bit! But, I digress.
I arrived back at the dorm room to found out that turning 20 at the dorm was a right-of-passage. And as much as I would like to share the details- my blood oath forbids it. I will say it did not involve any alcohol- and nothing too illegal .....
Then came 25- all a blur because I was getting married 12 days later .... 28 I had a brand new baby .... 29, another one on the way ....35, I frankly don't remember .... and now 42.
Times flies when you are having fun.
Here is to all the January 29 babies ..... Bill, Tom Selleck, Oprah Winfrey and WC Fields and the rest.
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